5 Animals Famous for their Intelligence
Over the past half-century, the field of animal cognition research has grown tremendously. This ever-increasing interest in both the scientific and public spheres has allowed a spotlight to fall on animals who […]
Great Apes Know When You’re Wrong
Humankind’s closest relatives are proving that not only can they recognize when a human believes something that’s false, but that they will often help correct that false belief. A recent study done by re[…]
Animals That Can Outsmart Humans
Comparing animal cognition to our own is tricky business. Animals have differently tuned senses and use them in sometimes radically different ways than we do. In some cases, there simply is no commeasurability. Yet […]
Secret Geniuses: 5 Surprisingly Smart Animals
While they may not be known as the smartest animals in the world, these 5 animals are unexpectedly brainy. This list of surprisingly smart animals examines the intelligence of five underestimated species. […]
Can Dogs Tell Time?
Many dog owners say that it seems like their dogs “just know” when family members usually come home, or even when other routine events are about to take place (such as going out for a walk). Yet, if dogs can’t read clocks or count hours, how is this possible? […]
Bonobos Make Love AND War
There is a common misconception that bonobos never fight; if tensions are running high, they have sex or rub their genitals together and everything’s just peachy. But bonobos do fight and they do form coalitions to support one another in aggressive interactions. […]
How do Horses Communicate with Humans?
When asked to think about how horses and humans communicate with each other, most … Read more
Bird-Brained Behaviour: Pheasant Cognition
Dr. Joah Madden studies pheasants, a type of bird frequently seen in the British … Read more
Altruism in Chimpanzees
In 2005, Drs. Felix Warnecken and Michael Tomasello conducted a study on altruism in human infants and chimpanzees.1 Altruism is taking action to help someone else, even when that action won’t be reciprocated or otherwise benefit oneself. To put it simply, altruistic actions are motivated purely by the desire to […]
How Environment Influences Animal Intelligence
Depending on the characteristics of the environment it lives in, an animal species may develop a wide range of physical adaptations to help it survive there. But mental adaptations can occur as well, sometimes sparking the […]
How Dogs Perceive Human Faces
When you have dogs, it’s easy to see that human faces are important to … Read more
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